A little about Cas Willow

And Just A Littcaswillow_castherapyle About Cas Willow

While Cas is in session with you, actually it is ALL about YOU!

However, for a moment I will tell you all you need to know about Cas, for you to make an educated and informed decision about the person you are choosing to possibly see as your therapist.

Cas is a Leading Qualified and Registered, Professional Counsellor, a Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Professional and Clinical Supervisor. Cas is also a public speaker, an author, a program developer and the Co-Founder of CaS Therapy. The Combination of Conscious and Subconscious Therapies which guides you through a Personal Innovation, Discovering your true qualities and calling upon your central resources to help you live a happy and balanced life; according to your True Beliefs and Values, so you can “Live the Life, That You Really Want.”

Cas is a Professional Clinical Supervisor assisting, guiding and empowering other therapists to continue to grow and develop in a safe and secure environment. She has a Certificate in Supervision specialising in Alcohol and other Drug Supervision, as well as a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Supervision and she is a supervisor for therapists in the counselling, hypnotherapy, ego state therapy, and resource therapy professions. Cas also teaches supervision to other long-term therapists.

Cas currently lives in Williamstown a beautiful suburb of Melbourne, Australia and has a wonderful strong passion towards living a peaceful and happy life. She has a beautiful loving family who live in various locations across the State of Victoria who are extremely supportive of her way of life as a vegan and as one who constantly seeks to improve one’s self, through continual personal and professional development.

Cas thrives on interesting and stimulating challenges that happen to come her way. She seeks out exciting adventures and new experiences and continuously searches for new and motivating pathways. Cas chooses to live life by being in the ‘moment’ of every minute of every day.

“Noticing and making the decision to stop and smell the beautiful purple rose dispersing its sweet calming aroma for all to share suddenly becomes the centre of the universe.” Cas also loves to write in her spare time. She absolutely adores books and has them placed throughout her home and office. Cas flourishes on movies and all their creations keeping in mind the importance of stimulation to the brain is vital for growth and motivation. Certificate of Excellence

Over many years working as a professional in the field of human behaviour, Cas has been able to balance her lifestyle with work, study and quality time with her family and friends by simply focusing on the ‘NOW’. By loving life and what it has to offer; she continues to embrace the art of dedication, commitment, and pure motivation to stay healthy, energised and stimulated.

Her Experiences and Education covers specific areas such as; Teaching, Counselling, Community Health Work, working in the Forensic Field, Supporting and Empowering People with Disabilities and being part of the local Community.

Cas has trained in many different educational facilities, including Monash University, Swinburne University and the Academy of Hypnotic Science where she received a “Certificate of Excellence” for her outstanding skill in Counselling and Hypnotherapy. Cas is also very proud to have recently been invited to become a member of the Monash University Golden Key International Honour Society. The society is a formal recognition of academic achievement and promotes integrity, innovation, respect, collaboration, and diversity, supporting others to learn and lead. 

Awards seem to be attracted to Cas, however, I guess that comes from pure passion. When you are doing what you love and you’re really passionate about it, then it comes naturally to delve deep and when you immerse yourself into a profession like Cas has done for over 25 years, it is understandable that prestigious awards are bestowed upon you.

Academically Cas has had not one, but two Dean’s Awards presented to her, one for Academic Excellence and Academic Achievement, during her Master Degree in Counselling at Monash University. Cas was also awarded the Certificate of Excellence by the Australian Counselling Association which she was nominated for by Monash University. 


Cas focuses on gathering new and different views and ideas and continues to challenge the very core of her belief system. She has been able to gain valuable wisdom, constructive information and practical knowledge from many diverse people over numerous years. She has had the privilege to work with many interesting and stimulating clients’ who have shown great courage and strength to make changes in their lives.

Over the years her friends and family have been her inspiration and motivating factors for her to stay focused and true to form holding her values, beliefs, and dreams close to her heart.

Cas believes ‘Life is Extremely Special’ sometimes we may need to remember to stop, breathe, close our eyes and absorb who we truly are as human beings and to acknowledge our presence in this lifetime. She also believes that our destiny is already set for us in some kind of strange way. However, it is the path to our destiny that we can change and make a difference in by some means which we have some control over. So she leaves the questions that you may have for you to answer truthfully within self and know that ‘YOUR LIFE IS A JOURNEY’ check the path you are on and if you are not living a rich and meaningful life according to your beliefs, values and core self then take some ‘ACTION’ NOW.

Remember that every moment counts because it is here NOW.

To Book Your Assessment Session with Cas, or one of the other therapists that work under the CaS Therapy umbrella under the guidance and supervision of Cas. 

Call Now for an appointment by phoning 

+61 3 9397 0010 or 0428 655 270 during Business Hours

aca Cas_Willow_AAOS_Member Cas Willow Supervisor AHAMember.