Remote Support

If you would like to have Guidance and Support via:


email Phone Skype
eMail Telephone Skype

If you are into computers, Skype is a VoIP service that is available


a Combined Communication Package

Combined Communicatios Package.


You are able to purchase the Communication Service that best suits your needs


This service is only available to current clients or those who have seen Cas in the past or to those who have or are purchasing products and need professional guidance and support using those products.


Individual Contact details will be supplied once payment is received and confirmed.


Please Note: This is not a Full Counselling and/or Hypnotherapy Service and Limits DO apply.
This is a Support Service to those already undergoing therapy or
requiring Support and Guidance when using one of the products supplied by CaS Therapy.




Lifeline Australia 24 Hour Telephone Crisis Support Service – Phone 13 11 14 (Within Australia)


If you would like eMail Support for One Month or on a Month by Month Basis

Cost per Month is $67 AUD

Click Here or the Image Below


If you would like eMail Support on a Recurring Monthly Basis

Recurring Cost per Month $57 AUD

Click Here or the Image Below

Recurring Monthly eMail Support

If you would like Telephone and/or Skype Support for One Month or on a Month by Month Basis

Cost per Month is $137 AUD

Click Here or the Image Below

1 Month of Phone and/or Skype Support

If you would like Telephone and/or Skype Support on a Recurring Monthly Basis

Recurring Cost Per Month is $127 AUD

Click Here or the Image Below

Recurring Monthly Telephone and/or Skype Support

If you would like a Combination of eMail, Telephone and/or Skype Support for One Month or on a Month by Month Basis

Cost per Month is $157 AUD

Click Here or the Image Below

1 Month Combined Communications Package

If you would like a Combination of eMail, Telephone and/or Skype Support on a Recurring Monthly Basis

Recurring Cost per Month $147 AUD

Click Here or the Image Below

Recurring Monthly Ongoing Support Package


Please Note: Occasionally these services reach capacity and have a waiting list, if this is the case you will be guided to a page where you can join a waiting list to be contacted once vacancies become available.

Thank you.

aca Cas_Willow_AAOS_Member Cas Willow Supervisor AHAMember.