Looking for help with Anxiety?

Weight of the World

Are you constantly worried?
Even about seemingly unimportant things.

Do you see the situation as worse than it is?

Do you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders?

Is your anxiousness interfering with your day to day life? 
Are you having trouble concentrating?

Are you able to sleep soundly and peacefully?

Do you notice any troubles or concerns performing normal daily activities?

Do you fear going out or leaving home at all?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath?

Does your heart feel like it is pounding hard or fast or both?

Are your hands and/or legs shaking?

Do you notice you are sweating when it is not even hot?

Are you feeling overly scared or apprehensive?

Is your mind flooded with a mountain of thoughts and yet you can’t seem to focus?
Do you worry about the past? What about the future? How about right now?
Are you feeling weak and tied?

Do you have any physical symptoms? 

  • Stomach upset?
  • Chest pain?
  • Diarrhoea?
  • Headaches?
  • Blushing?
  • Heart racing?

Nail BitingIt is easy for the song to say “Don’t Worry, Be Happy
However, for many people suffering from the various types of anxiety disorders, worry and the associated fears is a common and constant part of everyday life. Anxiety affects 14% of all Australians, both men and women, however, it is more common in women than men. Anxiety can be caused by one or many factors, these include ongoing stress as well as the health of yourself, your loved ones, or it may also be a past or recent traumatic event. If this sounds like it could be you, if you have some of these symptoms and if these symptoms are impacting on your ability to live a quality of life, the quality of life that you want and desire, then we may be able to assist and guide you through.

If you would like to book an appointment with
one of our experienced therapists.

Call Today on 9397 0010 or 0428 655 270.


Types of Anxiety 

Panic Attack Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – often unhelpful thoughts and impulses creating obsessions resulting in repetitive habits, patterns and behaviours.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
– is where emotions and feelings of fear do not subside after experiencing or being witness to a traumatic event and having those feelings remain in the present affecting one’s ability to cope with everyday life.

Panic Disorder – or commonly referred to as a Panic Attack, is a sudden and irrational feeling or outburst of fear which often results in shortness of breath, sweating, shaking, and even fainting.

Agoraphobia – is avoidance of being in certain situations for fear of bringing on a Panic Attack.

Social Phobias – as the name suggests, is a fear of being in social settings, with the added fear of embarrassment or rejection.

Specific Phobias – such as fear of heights, bridges, mice, spiders, situations or people.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – which is excessive worry associated with what is considered everyday situations such as health, work, family, finances or things of this nature.

Anxiety is a part of YOU that is attempting to protect you.

A certain level of anxiety for everyone is natural, without it we would have no fear and therefore there would be no warnings signals to stop, so there would be no messages to prevent us from walking off the edge of a cliff or to not hide from a raging bull, so this is the first and the most basic of issues. People attempt to ignore the message that the anxiety part of them is sending and as you know, if you are trying to get your message across and people are not listening, you speak a little louder to a point where that anxiety part is yelling and screaming and stamping its feet in an attempt to gain attention and be heard.

Anxiety is Natural

So the first thing we need to do is acknowledge that anxiety is natural and it is your friend, it is there working for you, to protect you, so you need to listen to it and validate it. When it is not being heard, it is still your friend however it is working overtime, yelling and screaming at you to listen to the warning message it is sending you.

A Quick Exercise to Help with Managing Mild Symptoms of Anxiety

Here is a short simple exercise that is designed to bring your thoughts into the present moment, it is a mind distraction technique, which is done simply by STOPPING right where you are at that moment, snap your fingers in front of your face, and look around you and notice 5 things that are, say “red”, then 5 things that are blue, 5 things that you smell, 5 things that you can hear and keep going with 5 things of different things until you notice the anxiety eases. Then snap your finger in front of your face again.

Another Tip for Managing Symptoms of Anxiety

A second exercise is a breathing exercise. Often when we are anxious we forget to exhale, so holding your breath the body begins to struggle and go into a form of trauma, whilst it is fighting for air. So practice breathing and noticing how calm and relaxing it feels as you exhale. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in and hold it for as long as you can, notice the tension, the body starts to struggle for air, then slowly exhale through the mouth and as you do notice the chest dropping, the shoulders lowering and the relief as you let the air escape from the body.

Discover what works for you

You need to discover and learn about your emotions and do what works for you, we all know to eat healthily and exercise our bodies, but what do many of us do for our mind and our emotions, they need attention too. These above techniques can relieve some of the symptoms of anxiety, however, therapy is often required to get to the real underlying core issues. If you find these techniques helpful and feel that other tips and techniques would be of benefit to you, our therapists have many techniques similar to those that can assist with both mild and severe anxiety. Symptoms of anxiety can sometimes be difficult to notice and measuring the impact is often difficult and overlooked. It is a good habit to adopt, to stop regularly and check how you are feeling and how you are coping and if things have or are changing for you. Ask yourself what you need to change and do differently. That may mean seeking professional assistance or it may be doing something else. This is in no way a weakness, in fact, it is a strength and acknowledgement that you need to change and you may need some help, guidance and assistance and accepting that there are people out there that can help. Let’s face it, we all have issues in our lives somewhere and if they are impacting upon your life, it is in your best interests to address them.

If you would like more information or you would like to book a consultation with one of our experienced therapists.

Call Today on 9397 0010 to book your appointment.

Say Goodbye to too much


Watch the YouTube Video Below for a quick
free tip to help and assist you with anxiety

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